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Welcome to the
Onondaga County
Democratic Committee

Max Ruckdeschel, Chair

Prerna Deer, Secretary

Dan Petrick, Treasurer

Joel Rinne, Executive Director


City of Syracuse Ward Chairs

Town Chairs


Executive Committee

Max Ruckdeschel

Prerna Deer

Dan Petrick

Jimmy Monto

Diane Dwire

Mike Atkins

Bruce Conner
Colleen Gibbons

Beverly Griffin

Moe Harrington

Nodesia Hernandez

Raul Huerta

Joshua Ludden

Jill Ryan

Lisa Sacco

Kathy Zabinski

State Committee Members

126th AD
Diane M. Dwire
David Hempson
127th AD
Robert Hogle
Jessica Zambrano
128th AD
Bruce Conner
Pamela Jo Hunter
129th AD
Susan J. McSweeney
Robert A. Romeo


The Onondaga County 

Democratic Committee

Syracuse office 


615 West Genesee Street, Suite 103

Syracuse, New York 13204

(315) 422-0345

Regular office hours are currently

9-3 Monday-Friday

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